How To Choose A Timber Floor Perfect For Your Home

Whether you’re renovating your home or personalising a new one, choosing the right flooring is crucial. Beyond just picking a colour or material, it’s about finding a floor that resonates with your lifestyle, reflects your personal taste and stands up to the rigours of daily life. Timber flooring stands out as a practical choice in this regard, offering a statement of style. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of selecting a timber floor that’s right for your home.

Understanding the Durability and Style of Timber Flooring

Timber flooring is renowned for its durability and style. It’s a classic choice that adds value to your home and stands the test of time. But what makes timber flooring so special?


The inherent strength of timber, coupled with modern processing and finishing techniques, ensures that these floors can withstand the rigours of everyday life.


Timber flooring offers a range of styles to suit any home. From the rustic charm of traditional hardwood to the sleek, modern appeal of engineered timber, there’s a style for every taste.

Environmental Impact

Timber is an environmentally friendly choice. It’s a natural, renewable resource that can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Timber Flooring On Kitchen
Empty Room With Timber Flooring

Factors to Evaluate When Choosing Timber Flooring

When selecting timber flooring, it’s important to consider various factors that will ensure your choice not only looks great but also meets your practical needs. Here are some key aspects to evaluate:

  • Hardness and Durability: For home flooring, it’s advisable to opt for wood with a Janka score of 1300 or above.
  • Colour and Grain Pattern: Choose a colour and grain that complement your home’s decor. Timber flooring comes in a range of hues and patterns, each adding a unique character.
  • Room Usage: Consider the room’s function. High-traffic areas need harder wood, while bedrooms may benefit from softer, warmer tones.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Understand the maintenance needs. Some timber floors require more upkeep than others, so choose one that fits your lifestyle.

Selecting the Right Timber Flooring with Professional Assistance

Navigating timber flooring options can be overwhelming, but with professional assistance, it becomes a streamlined process. Experts in the field can guide you through the range of options, taking into account factors like your home’s architecture, your personal style and the specific functional needs of each room. They can help you understand the nuances of different wood species, finishes and installation methods.

They will also consider the local climate and how it affects wood flooring, ensuring your choice not only looks beautiful but also performs well over time. By leveraging their expertise, you can make a well-informed decision that balances aesthetics, durability and practicality.

Spacious House With Timber Flooring

Explore Our Selection of Timber Flooring on the Gold Coast

In conclusion, timber flooring is a timeless, durable and stylish choice for any home. It’s an investment in the future of your property. For expert advice and a wide selection of high-quality timber flooring options, contact us at Totally Flooring. We’re here to help you find the perfect floor for your home.